Hello and welcome,
Quite an intriguing topic today. That’s actually one of the questions I have recently received, so I thought I would create a video on that.
The question was:
” I liked your video on creating rounded corners on images for use on the web. How can I create rounded corners just on the top and leave the bottom straight? “
And here’s an answer – in this week’s episode of Photoshop Lightroom TV.
That’s just one of the tutorials in this week’s episode, so keep watching for some more great Photoshop stuff! I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Here’s a link for you:
Photoshop Lightroom TV – Episode 58.
If you have any questions or enquiries, just let me know.
Happy watching! 🙂
One thought on “Rounded corners on the top…?”
I see a lot of interesting articles on your blog.
You have to spend a lot of time writing.