Web Technologies

40,000 views on YouTube!

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Thank you so much for watching my videos! I’d like to take a moment today and thank you for taking your time to watch my videos. I am so happy seeing so many people watching my videos on my YouTube channel and on my blog here as well as reading the posts with the tips, […]


Change a Pictures Season in Photoshop

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How about changing a season in Photoshop? Sounds great, doesn’t it? Even though it’s still spring, why not change the seasons and enjoy the summer right now? Today, I have a video tutorial for you, that you’re going to enjoy. This tutorial shows you how to easily change a spring/summer image into a fall one. […]


My New Photoshop DVD hits the market!

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Have you ever wanted to really learn Photoshop, maybe Photoshop CS5 and didn’t know where to start? Does it sound familiar? Were you intimidated by the prices the video dvds cost? Or maybe you were tired of spending time searching online for some useful video tutorials, just to find out that the ones you found […]